Your Golden Rule

Think about the many businesses you visit during the year, some are a delight to walk into, and some you shake your head and think “Why would anyone want to work here?”  

You enter your local grocery store, the one you’ve been shopping in for more than 10 years and you go to Joey, the checker who always greets you by name and smiles and actually speaks to you, even if he has the longer line.  But you also wonder about the many other employees who look right past you even though you have seen them hundreds of times.

You sit down in a nice restaurant and the employees walk by your table and every one of them greets you in their own way, or none of them even looks at you.  

By the way, how hard is it to make eye contact with every customer who enters your space?  Why wouldn’t you?

What is the difference? The difference is everything we are talking about.   If this was your business, which behavior would you be most satisfied with?

The difference is very simple…If you hire the best, and you train them right, and you reward them for great performance, then your people might just help you become the best in your industry!

Will it be easy?  Heck no if it was easy everyone would do it. 

How do you get there…if you want to change your company it must start from the top down and the bottom up!  There is no other way.

Your people are smart…Listen to them!!!

Integrity must be the cornerstone of everything you do.

You must treat your employees the way you want them to treat the customer.  

The Essential Lesson:  This must become your Golden Rule


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Thoughts for Doubting Thomas